Concussions are like puzzles, each with its own unique pieces and challenges. Today, we're taking a closer look at what sets them apart from one another in terms of symptoms and their treatments. Keep reading for our comprehensive guide to the 7 concussion profiles.
Back to the Basics:
What exactly is a concussion? Think of it as a little disruption in the brain's usual dance, caused by a bump, jolt, or whack to the head or body. It can lead to a whole host of symptoms, from headaches to dizziness, and while most clear up within a few weeks, some hang around longer than an unwanted guest. When it comes to treating concussions, one size definitely does not fit all. That's why personalized assessment and treatment is key. By looking at each person's unique symptoms and history, we can tailor our approach to give them the best shot at recovery.

The 7 Concussion Profiles:
Autonomic-Cardiovascular Profile
Winded after walking up the stairs, like your heart rate can’t keep up with your activity demands? You may be dealing with the autonomic-cardiovascular profile. Breathwork, vagal stimulation, and even cold plunging can help get your nervous system and heart back in sync!
Vestibular Profile
Dizziness, imbalance, and feeling like the room's doing a little cha-cha without you? Welcome to the vestibular profile. Luckily, there are exercises and therapies that can help get you back on solid ground.
Ocular-Motor Profile
Blurry vision, eye strain, and feeling like your peepers just can't seem to focus? Sounds like the ocular-motor profile might be paying you a visit. Therapy and in some cases, specialized glasses can help you see the world in a whole new light.
Cervical Profile
Neck pain, stiffness, and feeling like your head's a bowling ball being held up by a toothpick? Meet the cervical profile. A little physical therapy and some TLC for your neck can work wonders.
Cognitive-Fatigue Profile
Ever feel like your brain's stuck in a fog after a concussion? You might be rocking the cognitive-fatigue profile. Tips and tricks like pacing activities and giving your noggin plenty of rest can help clear away the haze.
Affective-Mood Profile
Concussions can do a number on your mood, cranking up the anxiety and dialing down the happy vibes. Therapy, meds, and stress-busting techniques can all lend a hand in getting you back to your usual self.
Headache-Migraine Profile
Pounding headaches, a touch of nausea, and a sensitivity to light and sound that rivals a vampire's? You may have the gift that keeps on giving - post-concussion headaches. But with the right mix of meds, stress-management strategies, and lifestyle tweaks, you can show those headaches who's boss.
How do we figure out which profile is your biggest problem? It's all about asking the right questions, doing a thorough exam, and paying attention to what your body's telling us. From there, we can come up with a game plan that's tailor-made just for you. Even when we have our plan, concussion recovery takes time, patience, and a whole lot of support. But with the right rehab plan, you'll be feeling like yourself again before you know it!
So there you have it: the 7 concussion profiles. If this post has you thinking about which profile(s) you’re dealing with and you want an in-depth evaluation, don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to be a part of your recovery and find the individualized plan that’s right for you.
Please note that the thoughts and ideas presented in this article reflect the author's viewpoint unless stated otherwise. This content should not be considered as individual medical guidance. The details shared are designed to assist readers in making well-informed choices regarding their health and well-being.